Everything you have always wanted in a professional Photo-Rejuvenation System for wrinkle reduction and removal. Fast Setup, Easily Adjustable, Uncomplicated Design.
Multi function machine to be used for the purpose of wrinkle reduction procedures at home or salon. Approved for legs, back, lips, neck, face, jowl, hands, under eyes, around mouth, eyelids, neck, sensitive skin, lip lines. Treat deep wrinkles and sagging skin, and promote collagen production.
Works on 110-240 Volts, Global Compatibility Guaranteed. 220 jcm2/sec. energy density, 10mm.
To be used for Wrinkle Reduction but the system can be used for a wide variety of treatments. Comes with beauty treatment machine, protective eyewear, instructions, and 6 oz supply of wrinkle treatment filtering gel. Also approved for: Permanent Hair Removal, Spider - Varicose Vein Reduction, Skin Toning, Body Sculpting, Acne Reduction, Photo Rejuvenation, Hyper Pigment - Age Spot Removal, Tattoo Removal, Scar - Stretch Mark Reduction, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Sun Damage, Blemish (mole, wart, skin tag) Removal, Nail Fungus Treatment and More. Professional grade equipment provides unmatched performance for fast, proven results using the latest technology.